Bright Wings Childcare

Bright Wings Childcare is a childcare service in Orem, Utah. We know that choosing a childcare provider can be hard and we value your consideration. If you have any questions about childcare service in Orem, please contact us here.

    At Bright Wings Childcare the core of our mission is to provide our children with a safe, high quality environment and the most effective programs to successfully develop their cognitive and non-cognitive skills.

    Our activities:

    Dancing and exercise, reading time, singing time, (bilingual), blocks time. Also, daily arts activities, outside time and free play time.

    State funded are welcome!

    We observe state and federal holidays.

    Staff holds CDA and Community Health Certifications.

    Mission Statement

    At Bright Wings Childcare the core of our mission is to provide our children with a safe, high quality environment and the most effective programs to successfully develop their cognitive and non-cognitive skills.

    Vision Statement

    At Bright Wings Childcare we are mindful that early experiences at home and school will have a significant impact on a child’s success in school and life. Our children’s success is the foundation of the peaceful world we all are looking for. At B.W.C., we promote the application of the Golden Rule: “treat others the way you want to be treated.”

    Bright Wings Childcare Goals

    • To create a social, cognitive and physical environment in Orem, Utah.
    • To provide each child high quality learning experience.
    • To insure the highest quality childcare.
    • To provide all children the appropriate developmental programs.

    Our hours are as follows:

    8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    8:00 am – 5:00 pm


    At B.W.C. we offer a clean and sustainable environment in order to support and promote their emotional, social, physical and cognitive development.

    At B.W.C. we are conscious of the importance of the physical activity and we follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation of no more than 2 hours per day of recreational screen time for children 2 years and older and none for younger children.